New World – Void Darkplate: Bug, Tooltip Error, or Misunderstanding


Following a discussion with xenarthran_salesman on the New World Discord, the situation surrounding Void Darkplate seems to have become clearer:

If you begin by wearing all your armor, including another heavy chest piece with similar armor values, and then put on Void Darkplate, you’ll notice a 20% increase in your total armor value. When you switch back to the original heavy chest piece, your armor drops, but it only decreases by approximately 20% of Void Darkplate’s armor value, which appears higher than initially.

In essence, it appears as though Void Darkplate applies a kind of “buff” to each of your other armor pieces, increasing their armor by 20%. When you swap Void Darkplate with a similar heavy chest piece, it doesn’t remove this “buff” from the other armor pieces. As a result, when you switch back to Void Darkplate, it seems like the calculations are incorrect because you’re starting from a higher armor value due to that “buff.” If you remove and re-equip each armor piece, your total armor value returns to its original state.

According to xenarthran_salesman, the issue of armor remaining higher after removing Darkplate is merely a user interface (UI) bug, and it doesn’t actually provide any additional damage mitigation beyond what the correct values would show.

There have been conflicting reports about whether it’s just a UI problem or if it actually provides old fortification, absorption, or damage reduction. I can’t personally address the UI issue and have doubts about it offering damage absorption based on my limited knowledge of the game files.

DukeSloth’s video response has been mentioned, but the statement “the armor multiplier is just additive with other multipliers” seems unclear. I couldn’t find any additional details in the perk description in the game files.

In the game files for Void Darkplate, it’s listed as:

PhysicalArmor: 0.2
ElementalArmor: 0.2

For comparison, SnS’s Sturdy Shield provides 15% physical armor and is listed as:

PhysicalArmor: 0.15
ElementalArmor: 0.0

It appears that Void Darkplate offers a straightforward armor increase, which doesn’t seem to be a subject of debate. However, this is something that can be confirmed in the game at a later time.

Regarding the status effect/fortify from Fortifying Shield Rush, we have:

PhysicalArmor: 0.05
ElementalArmor: 0.05

These values would scale based on your Gear Score (GS), and fortify was updated to no longer function as a flat absorb or damage reduction but as an increase in armor.

In contrast, the status effect from Defensive Formation lists various absorb modifiers:

ABSStandard: 0.3
ABSSiege: 0.3
ABSStrike: 0.3
ABSSlash: 0.3
...and so on

There is no mention of armor. It would be reasonable to expect that Void Darkplate would list absorb values rather than Physical/Elemental Armor values if it indeed provided 20% old fortification.

The observable result is an approximate 20% increase in the chest armor value displayed in the UI, leading to speculation about whether Void Darkplate is malfunctioning, if there is a tooltip error, or if there’s a perplexing perk description.

So, what’s the story with Void Darkplate? Is it genuinely broken, is there an issue with the tooltip, or is there something about it that we haven’t fully understood yet?

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